IWONA LEMKE KONART Progressive Experiences (1998) | bio | email | home |

My first web project, this is a grid of animated images. It was created when digital art resources were limited.
I am addressing the following questions: "What is progress?" "What does it mean to be progressive?"
Some actions don't improve the situation, but are dead-ends.

| home | bio | Pilgrim | The Market | Women's art serigraphs | Women’s art | The Limits of Human Abilities | Real Information |
Pro/La manifesto | Art is in Life | Pictures | Drawings | Progressive Experiences | Connections | Recovered Memories
| email |

© Iwona Lemke Konart. All images in this site are for viewing only and are NOT for use in the public domain. Any commercial or non commercial use or publication is strictly prohibited.
Copying, redistribution, or exploitation for personal or corporate gain is not permitted.